this has gone on long enough

Sean Roach roach_s at
Tue Feb 11 06:43:15 PST 1997

At 04:42 PM 2/10/97 -0800, John Gilmore wrote:
>Sean Roach said:
>> As of sometime in the last 96 hours I have been forcefully unsubscribed from
>> this list.  This action was not of my free will and not one that I think was
>> perpretrated by those in charge of the list.
>Everybody relax, take a deep breath, and calm down a bit.  Paranoia seems
>epidemic on the list these days.
>I removed your address from the mailing list because it was producing
>a bounce message for every message to cypherpunks.  I regularly 
>remove addresses when this occurs; the alternative is to receive
>thousands of bounce messages each day from non-working addresses.
>I'll append the set of addresses that I removed on the same day
>as you, for your edification.
Thank you for the explanation.  I had discounted this as a reason as I
normally get some warning from the VAX before something like this would be a
threat.  (My mail won't compress and I have to go in and do it manually.)  I
had assumed that since I had no trouble with compression that that wasn't
the answer.  I apologise for jumping to conclusions and I hope that I can
check my mail more often.  (Only a real hassle during weekends when I am
called home from school.)
Thanks again for the reassurance.

BTW, now that the moderation experiment is over, how do you intend to
integrate the lists?  Are you going to combine them?  Are you going to run
them through a filter to eliminate duplications?  Are you going to give any
warning before the unedited list is eliminated?  (no longer needed, since
the main list is now a duplicate.)

Thanks again, I am naturally suspicious.  That's "one" of the reasons that I
subscribed to this list to begin with.

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