this has gone on long enough

Sean Roach roach_s at
Mon Feb 10 15:00:34 PST 1997

As of sometime in the last 96 hours I have been forcefully unsubscribed from
this list.  This action was not of my free will and not one that I think was
perpretrated by those in charge of the list.  (I got a response from
majordomo concerning who was on and my name wasn't)
As I have heard from, and replied to some, others who were forcefully
subscribed to cypherpunks, I can only assume that this is part of the same
Please send me any copies of majordomo activity involving my address that
was sent in the last 96 hours so that I can determine the culprit myself.
I had no intention of removing myself from the list and intend to maintain a
member, at least until a superior system with sufficient load is developed.
As I just now resubscribed to the list (unedited, although I know that the
moderation experiment has ended), I may not see any immediate replies, so
please cc me.
As to my check with majordomo, I was not checking to see if I had been
unsubscribed, but to see if the unedited list still existed.  since I
stopped receiving mail shortly after, I assumed, falsely, that the unedited
list subscribers had been merely dropped.

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