On "spammers" and "anti-spammers"

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Sun Feb 9 08:20:11 PST 1997

Path: perun!dlv
From: dlv at bwalk.dm.com (Dr. Dimitri Vulis)
Newsgroups: news.admin.net-abuse.misc,news.admin.net-abuse.e-mail,news.groups,news.admin.misc,news.admin.censorship,alt.fan.karl-malden.nose,soc.culture.russian
Subject: On "spammers" and "anti-spammers"
Message-ID: <JL9u2D1w165w at bwalk.dm.com>
Date: Sun, 09 Feb 97 10:52:06 EST
Organization: Death Camp #6

Several days ago one Robert Hicks, DM Group, Direct Marketing Management, 2774
National Pkwy, Brunswick, Ohio, retained one Thomas Gallman, Telysis
Communications Ltd, to do a mass e-mail for them. Unfortunately, Telesys made
a small typo when sending out their mass e-mail. DM Group's domain address is
"dm1.com" and our domain address is "dm.com" (no digit). That happens a lot,
and not always accidentally. Malcontents like Peter da Silva, Chris Lewis of
BNR.CA, John Gilmore of EFF/Cygnus Support, Ray Arachelian of Earthlink.com,
Sandy Sandfart of C2Net, Peter Vorobieff of LANL.GOV, and other well-known
liars and forgers intentionally forge garbage traffic on the Internet with
their enemies' domain names (including ours) and later complain about their
own forgeries.

I was surprised by Telysis's unintentional error, but I hold no grudge
against them. However as the result of their mass mailing our site has
received hundreds of flames from the self-appointed net.cops, ending up in
mailboxes "postmaster" and "orphan" (sent to a non-existent mailbox
"freeway at dm.com"). Many such flames were also sent to PSI, our upstream site.

I am fairly dissatisfied with the way PSI handled this and other incidents
involving forged traffic made to look like it came from dm.com. Their lines
include "we've been receiving a lot of complaints about you" (and it doesn't
matter whether any complaints are true) and "if you prove that this traffic
did not originate at your site, then we won't hold you responsible" and
"These messages are unwelcome intrusions that violate unwritten rules of the
Internet, and are strongly resented. Please confirm that you are aware of
these complaints and are taking measures to stop this practice."

I also noticed a sharp contrast between the polite letter send out by
dm1.com (who were trying to sell something, I presume; and you don't sell
anything if you're rude to prospective clients) and the obnoxious, obscene,
and threatening responses the net.cops sent to our site. I will quote a
selection of these complaints to illustrate the kind of abuse many ISPs are
subjected to. Please observe that one of the complainers claims to have
received "death threats" from a nonexistent account at our site, several
others claim to have received such junk e-mail from our site before, etc.

If your e-mail to dm.com is quoted below, please consider the following:
If someone sends you junk e-mail, it does not make it OK to send abusive
and threatening e-mail to (what you believe to be) the spammer's ISP.
Please try to use better manners, even when you deal with behavior that
you consider to be rude.

Received: from localhost (vinylot at localhost) by panix.com (8.8.5/8.7/PanixU1.3) with SMTP id PAA18512; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 15:19:07 -0500 (EST)
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 15:19:07 -0500 (EST)
From: Vinylot <vinylot at panix.com>
To: freeway at dm.com
Cc: vinylot at panix.com, postmaster at dm.com
In-Reply-To: <B0000010411 at telysis3.telysis.com>
Message-Id: <Pine.SUN.3.94.970206151319.15438E-100000 at panix.com>

Hey assholes why dont you configure yer  fuckin spam properly so that when
we try to remove ouselves from the list we don't get even more unwanted
you scumbags
Received: from localhost (vinylot at localhost) by panix.com (8.8.5/8.7/PanixU1.3) with SMTP id VAA23841; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 21:32:23 -0500 (EST)
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 21:32:23 -0500 (EST)
From: Vinylot <vinylot at panix.com>
To: postmaster at bwalk.dm.com, postmaster at dm.com
Cc: vinylot at panix.com
Subject: In re: "Death Threat" *and* "Returned mail (fwd)"
Message-Id: <Pine.SUN.3.94.970206212030.21557A-100000 at panix.com>

I see your customer has made themselves unreachable via email, in
addition to sending out extremely annoying spam...
I'm just sending this note to let u know that I *am not* making any death
Received: (from semmett at localhost) by adams.patriot.net (8.7.4/8.7.3) id LAA11132; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 11:10:04 -0500
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 11:10:03 -0500 (EST)
From: Steve Emmett <semmett at adams.patriot.net>
To: freeway at, postmaster at telysis.com, abuse at telysis.com
        postmaster at telysis3.telysis.com, abuse at telysis3.telysis.com,
        freeway at dm.com
Cc: Steve Emmett <semmett at adams.patriot.net>
Subject: Re: FREE OFFER !!
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.3.91.970206103706.8729A-100000 at adams.patriot.net>
Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.3.91.970206104357.8729B-100000 at adams.patriot.net>

I just sent you a rejection before realizing that YOU have already
spammed me and I have already given you a previous notice (28 January 1997).

Therefore, since you have SPAMMED me again, you have accepted the terms
of my licencing agreement you previously received from me - to wit, each
subsequent use (including this most recent one) are now subject to a
$1000 per-use fee.

You have failed to provide a valid US Postal Address as required by the
licence.  You will immediately provide the address so that I can send you
a bill.

Violation of this license agreement is cause for civil suit.

You are now on notice to immediately comply with the terms of the
licensing agreement.
Received: by tfs.com (smail3.1.28.1)
Message-Id: <m0vsYnR-0003vzC at TFS.COM>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 97 10:43 PST
From: hiha at TFS.COM (Harry Iha)
To: freeway at, freeway at dm.com
Subject: Re:  FREE OFFER !!
Cc: admin at, admin at dm.com, admin at dm1.com, hiha at TFS.COM,
        postmaster at, postmaster at dm.com, postmaster at dm1.com

This is the second instance of this unsolicited, commercial e-mail
I've received.  The first was from Freeway4 at dm1.com, the second,
identical message from what appears to be the same user.

Both times, I've responded, as instructed, to be removed from this
user's mailing list.

Please remove me from your current mailing list, and do not include
me in future lists.

Thank you for your cooperation.

hiha at tfs.com
Received: from bubbas.vnet.net (vts-cat1-s1.vnet.net []) by jazzmin.vnet.net (8.7.6/8.7.3) with SMTP id IAA16984; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 08:52:06 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: < at pop.vnet.net>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 08:49:40 -0500
To: freeway at dm.com, postmaster at dm.com, abuse at dm.com, admin at dm.com
From: Brantley Smith <bubbas at vnet.net>
Subject: FREE OFFER !!/ *GET A LIFE*!!

        Please do something to stop this spammer.  This is the second
message I've recieved from this dude.  The whole message is below.
Received: from ioceram.jetcity.com (annex01-06.jetcity.com []) by jetcity.com (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id OAA21385; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 14:47:53 -0800
Message-Id: <199702062247.OAA21385 at jetcity.com>
Comments: Authenticated sender is <ioceram@[]>
From: "Bryce Conner" <stars at jetcity.com>
Organization: Procrastinate Later
To: postmaster at, postmaster at dm.com
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 14:47:43 +0000
Subject: (Fwd) FREE OFFER !!:   I want these mailings to stop immediately
Reply-To: stars at jetcity.com
Cc: bryce at jetcity.com

This user has repeatedly sent me unsolicited advertising, even after
I requested that they stop.   I consider this a clear example of
harrassment and net abuse.

I request that you warn your customer or take the proper
diciplinary action.   This kind of activity (SPAMMING) is extremely
frowned upon by the net in general, and one request to this person
should be enough for them to remove me from their mailing list,
especially since I did not request to be on it in the first place.
Often this will result in the removal of the account in question.

I promised to follow up with this action if they repeated, and so
here it is.

I would apprecate a reply to this email within 1 week.


Bryce Conner
Received: (from nuucp at localhost) by gateway.ycrdi.com (8.7.3/8.6.12) id KAA13226; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 10:49:14 -0500 (EST)
From: ralph_muha at ycrdi.com (Ralph Muha)
Reply-To: ralph_muha at ycrdi.com
To: postmaster at dm.com, postmaster at telysis.com
Subject: Fwd: FREE OFFER !!
Date: 06 Feb 1997 15:54:01 GMT
Message-Id: <649199615.3797450 at ycrdi.com>
Organization: Young Chang R & D Institute

please keep this crap out of my mailbox!
Received: from koko (unverified []) by www.latte.net
 (EMWAC SMTPRS 0.83) with SMTP id <B0000002260 at www.latte.net>;
 Fri, 07 Feb 1997 00:42:38 +1000
Message-Id: <B0000002260 at www.latte.net>
Comments: Authenticated sender is <alex at latte.net>
From: "Alex Fields" <alex at latte.net>
Organization: Latte Net Communications
To: postmaster at dm.com
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 00:53:45 +10
Subject: (Fwd) Delivery failure

tell this asshole to take me off his GD list.

thank you.

alex fields
Received: from nwlink.com (ip061.tu1.nwlink.com []) by montana.nwlink.com (8.8.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id IAA02282; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 08:48:39 -0800 (PST)
From: Steve Greenfield <redbeard at nwlink.com>
To: freeway at, freeway at dm.com, postmaster at dm.com
        postmaster at, postmaster at dm1.com
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 08:49:10 +0500
Message-Id: <yam6976.511.138150712 at mail.nwlink.com>
Organization: Polymorph Digital Photography and Electronics
Subject: Please read and respond

I recieved the following unsolicited Email today. Please take the
appropriate action. I am sick and tired of receiving multiple
"junk" emails every day, despite the fact that my signature always
includes info indicating that I do not welcome them, and in fact
will not do business with anyone who does business this way.


Steve Greenfield
redbeard at nwlink.com
If you don't want my business, go ahead and junk Email.
If you never want income from me, go ahead and spam.
Received: from gabubba.paradise.net (gabubba at adial095.paradise.net []) by q.paradise.net (8.7/8.6.12) with SMTP id MAA21198; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:18:13 -0500
Message-Id: < at paradise.net>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 12:17:05 -0500
To: postmaster at, postmaster at dm.com, postmaster at dm1.com
From: Bubba <gabubba at paradise.net>
Subject: Re: FREE OFFER !!

Dear Postmaster,

I received the following unsolicited e-mail, please ensure that this person
no longer sends unsolicited e-mail.  If I receive another message from this
user, I will refer it to the proper autorities for investigation as an
illegl scam.


   Bubba   "bubba69"  or "BearPiss" on IRC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

   40 year old, big ol' cub's face fuckin', cigar smokin' tattooed
   leather top daddy bear, 6'2", 240#, 38" 501's, blue eyes, furry,
   BUSHY greying beard and 'stache, flags left black, red, and yellow,
   in Atlanta, GA

   If you enjoy bearcodes:  B8 f+ t+ w+  d+ g++ k++

Received: by ip143.van5.pacifier.com with Microsoft Mail
	id <01BC142A.585245A0 at ip143.van5.pacifier.com>; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:36:16 -0800
Message-Id: <01BC142A.585245A0 at ip143.van5.pacifier.com>
From: Tony Foulke <tonyf at pacifier.com>
To: "'B0000010411 at telysis3.telysis.com'"
	 <B0000010411 at telysis3.telysis.com>,
        "'freeway at'"
	 <freeway at>,
        "'freeway at dm.com'" <freeway at dm.com>
Subject: RE: FREE OFFER !!
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 12:36:11 -0800

This is a formal notice that bulk email is NOT to be sent to
tonyf at pacifier.com  It is not wanted.  Any UCE coming from you or any
clients of yours will be considered harassment.  Not only will a bill for
my service charge of $250 be received by you, but a criminal complaint
will be filed as well.

BY ANTHONY FOULKE.  This is your ONLY notice.

--Anthony Foulke

  All unsolicited commercial e-mail coming to this account is subject to a
     service charge of $250 per piece of mail. Sending any UCE to this
             account constitutes acceptance of these terms.
Received: from localhost (snakeman at localhost) by thecore.com (8.7.1/8.7.1) with SMTP id SAA00892 for <root at dm.com>; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 18:22:58 -0500 (EST)
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 18:22:58 -0500 (EST)
From: snakeman <snakeman at thecore.com>
To: root at dm.com
Subject: FREE OFFER !! (fwd)
Message-Id: <Pine.NEB.3.95.970206181747.503A-100000 at guardian.thecore.com>

If you do not wish your mailbox to be flooded with complaints, and,
possibly, unix kernels - please take the appropriate action with
the below user who is spamming mailboxes. Any further posts from that user
will result in a campaign on Usenet to ban your site.
Received: from h.m.ginsberg.worldnet.att.net ([])
          by mtigwc01.worldnet.att.net (post.office MTA v2.0 0613 )
          with SMTP id AAA28725; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 21:45:53 +0000
Message-Id: <32FA50AF.4AAB at worldnet.att.net>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 16:44:15 -0500
From: "Howard M. Ginsberg" <h.m.ginsberg at worldnet.att.net>
Organization: Amateur Radio Operator W1HG/4
To: freeway at
Cc: postmaster at telysis.com, freeway at dm.com
Subject: Re: FREE OFFER !!
References: <B0000008087 at telysis3.telysis.com>

Received: from localhost (8.8.4/8.8.4) with ESMTP id JAA16508; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:36:27 -0500
To: freeway@[]
Cc: postmaster at dm.com, psinet-domain-admin at PSI.COM, hostinfo at PSI.COM,
        domain-fee-contact at PSI.COM, postmaster at TELYSIS.COM
In-Reply-To: Message <B0000008087 at telysis3.telysis.com> of
             "Sun, 28 Jan 1996 08:17:36 EST"
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 09:36:26 -0500
Message-Id: <16506.855239786 at interlog.com>
From: John R MacMillan <john at interlog.com>

Please remove me from your junk mailing list.  If you are not the
originator of this message, you may wish to know that a spammer is
making use of your mail system.  ISPs please consider having an
``Acceptable Use'' policy that forbids spamming.

This junk mail appears to be from:

freeway at

To a junk mailing list maintained by:

freeway at dm.com

And appears to have been injected into the mail system at:


Accordingly, the following addresses have been notified:

postmaster at dm.com
psinet-domain-admin at PSI.COM
hostinfo at psi.com
domain-fee-contact at PSI.COM
postmaster at TELYSIS.COM

Further mail from freeway at will be automatically
forwarded to the above addresses, and possibly to sites that maintain
lists of abusive spammers.  Mail from this address WILL NOT BE SEEN BY

This is an automated message.
Received: from BHeaton (dtp01-21.txdirect.net []) by legend.txdirect.net (8.8.5/8.8.3) with SMTP id KAA18681; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 10:06:02 -0600 (CST)
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 10:06:02 -0600 (CST)
Message-Id: <199702061606.KAA18681 at legend.txdirect.net>
From: Brian D Heaton <bheaton at txdirect.net>
Subject: Re: FREE OFFER !! -- SPAM
To: freeway at, freeway at dm.com, postmaster at telysis.com
Cc: abuse at psi.net, abuse at psi.com, postmaster at psi.net, postmaster at psi.com


        Remove me from all mailings managed by you company immediately.
This is my second request.  Any further mailings from your organization
will result in further action.

PSI - This network abuser is a client of your service.  I would appreciate
a notification of the action taken agains this organization.

Received: from [] by jump.net (8.8.4/BERK-6.8.11)
	id UAA08328; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 20:19:18 -0600 (CST)
Message-Id: <v01510100af20433e39a2@[]>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 20:29:47 -0600
To: freeway at, freeway at dm.com
From: netminder at jump.net (ERic V & Lisa S)
Subject: Re: FREE OFFER !!
Cc: postmaster at

I don't want any free stuff.

In fact, I'm quite put out that I'm getting this junk.

I'm copying your postmaster on the off chance that it's not you, on the
hopes that you'll get a stern talking to or perhaps even removal from your

Spamming like this is VERY frowned upon.

It appears (as I've now received several of these 'type REMOVE' type
messages) that someone is selling my email address.  I would appreciate, if
that is the case, that you send me their name and/or number and/or email
address so that I can let them know personally my feelings.

I also recommend, if that is indeed the case, that you contact the BBB and
your State Comptroller and see what can be done about capturing the

Good luck with the barrage of nasty messages you're about to receive.

Received: (from egburr at localhost) by kiowa.wildstar.net (8.8.3/8.7.3) id IAA21628; Fri, 7 Feb 1997 08:53:09 -0600
From: Edward Burr <egburr at kiowa.wildstar.net>
Message-Id: <199702071453.IAA21628 at kiowa.wildstar.net>
Subject: ABUSE (was: FREE OFFER !!)
To: freeway at, root at, postmaster at
        abuse at, twalton at ACSI.NET, postmaster at TELYSIS.COM,
        psinet-domain-admin at PSI.COM, info at DM1.COM, root at CLEVER.NET,
        root at ACSI.NET, postmaster at ACSI.NET, abuse at ACSI.NET
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 08:53:09 -0600 (CST)
Cc: root at TELYSIS.COM, postmaster at TELYSIS.COM, abuse at TELYSIS.COM, root at dm.com,
        postmaster at dm.com, abuse at dm.com, root at DM1.COM, postmaster at DM1.COM,
        abuse at DM1.COM
In-Reply-To: <B0000008091 at telysis3.telysis.com> from "freeway at" at Jan 28, 96 08:17:40 am

Dear junk email spammer, please REMOVE ME FROM YOUR MAILING LIST
IMMEDIATELY.  I charge for reading unsolicited email advertising.
I did not sign up for this, and I should not have to request to
not be made a victim of this.  I have a limited amout of disk space
available to me, and your junk email is wasting some of it.

By the way, you really need to fix your clock; the current year
is 1997.

POSTMASTER/SYSADMIN: Please archive this notice in case I need
proof that I sent it and it was received at your site.  Thank you.

ACSI.NET         You are the last nameserved host along the route
                 to the originating IP address of this spam.
TELYSIS.COM      You are the originating mail server.
DM.COM (PSI.COM) You are who this spam is supposedly TO; this
                 indicates you are probably being used as a mail list
DM1.COM (CLEVER.NET) You are hosting this spammer's web site.

(offending junk email spam below...)

--/Edward Burr/-------------------+----------------------------------
| Senior, Science Education, OU   | Use of my e-mail address or URL |
| egburr at wildstar.net             | is restricted.  Visit my home   |
| http://www.wildstar.net/~egburr | page for details.               |
 \                               / \                               /
    \ Unless otherwise noted, all opinions here are solely my own./
Received: from vfg-pa1-10.ix.netcom.com (vfg-pa1-10.ix.netcom.com []) by dfw-ix2.ix.netcom.com (8.6.13/8.6.12) with SMTP id XAA13579 for <postmaster at dm.com>; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 23:49:17 -0800
To: postmaster at dm.com
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 06:48:17 GMT
Message-Id: <32fecec9.1097207 at smtp.ix.netcom.com>

Dear Postmaster,
	On two other occasions I have requested to be removed from
your clients list, yet I am still receiving unsolicited email
advertising from them. This is in direct violation of US CODE TITLE 47
under which I may collect 500 dollars for each occurrence. Please look
into this and get back to me prior to my filing charges against you
and your client for this continued harassment.
Received: (from hazmat at localhost) by nsa.ecosoft.com (8.8.3/8.8.3) id JAA02044; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:17:22 -0500 (EST)
From: Ken W <hazmat at shore.net>
Message-Id: <199702061417.JAA02044 at nsa.ecosoft.com>
Subject: Re: FREE OFFER !!
To: freeway at, postmaster at telysis.com, postmaster at dm1.com
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:17:22 -0500 (EST)
Cc: freeway at dm.com
In-Reply-To: <B0000008257 at telysis3.telysis.com> from "freeway at" at Jan 28, 1996 08:23:34 AM

This is a spam is is hopefully grounds for immediate termination
of your account.  People like you make the Internet a place that
is not very fun anymore.


hazmat at shore.net               http://www.shore.net/~hazmat
Shore.Net Web Administration
webmaster at shore.net            http://www.shore.net/

 "...and the number of the beast is vivivi...."
Received: from [] (sfmax2-141.ppp.wenet.net []) by mom.hooked.net (8.8.0/8.7.3) with ESMTP id NAA20127 for <postmaster at dm.com>; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 13:13:34 -0800 (PST)
X-Sender: acates at mailhost.hooked.net
Message-Id: <l03010d00af1ff926c8b5@[]>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 13:12:19 -0800
To: postmaster at dm.com
From: Alden Cates <acates at hooked.net>
Subject: "FREE OFFER !!" Junk e-mail

I tried to remove myself from this listing but I can't!!  I did NOT signup
to be on this list and I don't want this tye of crap in my e-mail box.  I
got a message saying that the address my "REMOVE: e-mail went to did not
get there.  I recently got this e-mail:
Received: from RICHARD.COMP-UNLTD.COM (richard.comp-unltd.com []) by cu.imt.net (8.7.3/8.6.12) with ESMTP id IAA12115; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 08:28:34 -0700 (MST)
Message-Id: <199702061528.IAA12115 at cu.imt.net>
From: "Richard Barndt" <richard at imt.net>
To: <freeway at dm.com>
Cc: <postmaster at dm.com>
Subject: REMOVE
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 08:30:42 -0700

Offense under US code Title 47, Sec 227(b) (1) (C)
I have recently received UNSOLICITED and UNWANTED junk e-mail from an
individual who appears to be using your site.  A copy of that mail is
attached herewith.  Junk Mail is now regarded as the same as unwanted and
unsolicited junk faxes and telemarketing calls - all of which are now
ILLEGAL under US federal law:

     By US Code Title 47, Sec.227(a)(2)(B), a computer/modem/printer
     meets the definition of a telephone fax machine. By Sec.227(b)
     (1)(C), it is unlawful to send any unsolicited advertisement to
     such equipment, punishable by action to recover actual monetary
     loss, or $500, whichever is greater, for EACH violation.

Please ensure this is stopped NOW.  You have been put on notice.  If you
confirm to me promptly that effective action has been taken against those
persons responsible, I will not take the matter further on this occasion.

If you do not provide me with such confirmation in a timely manner, or if
ANY further UNSOLICITED or UNWANTED junk mail should be received from your
site, I will instruct my attorney to issue a writ WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE,
and the matter will then be pursued under federal law.  I will separately
notify your upstream providers as they may also be liable for violations
originating from your site.
Received: from lawr40.static.usit.net (lawr40.static.usit.net []) by SMTP.USIT.NET (8.7.5/8.6.12) with SMTP id BAA14481; Fri, 7 Feb 1997 01:27:48 -0500 (EST)
From: sstutts at usit.net (THE Lone Wolf)
To: at abuse.networks.net, B0000008256 at telysis3.telysis.com
        dm.com at abuse.networks.net, freeway at, freeway at dm.com,
        postmaster@[], postmaster at dm1.com,
        postmaster at telysis3.telysis.com,
        telysis3.telysis.com at abuse.networks.net
Subject: Offence under US code Title 47, Sec 227(b) (1) (C)
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 1997 06:15:55 GMT
Message-Id: <32fec88e.867280 at smtp.usit.net>

I have recently received UNSOLICITED and UNWANTED junk e-mail from an
individual who appears to be using your site.  A copy of that mail is
attached herewith.  Junk Mail is now regarded as the same as unwanted
and unsolicited junk faxes and telemarketing calls - all of which are
now ILLEGAL under US federal law:

     By US Code Title 47, Sec.227(a)(2)(B), a computer/modem/printer
     meets the definition of a telephone fax machine. By Sec.227(b)
     (1)(C), it is unlawful to send any unsolicited advertisement to
     such equipment, punishable by action to recover actual monetary
     loss, or $500, whichever is greater, for EACH violation.

Please ensure this is stopped NOW.  You have been put on notice.  If you
confirm to me promptly that effective action has been taken against those
persons responsible, I will not take the matter further on this occasion.

If you do not provide me with such confirmation in a timely manner, or if
ANY further UNSOLICITED or UNWANTED junk mail should be received from =
site, I may instruct my attorney to issue a writ WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE,
and the matter will then be pursued under federal law.  I will separately
notify your upstream providers as they may also be liable for violations
originating from your site.
Received: from gregspc (isabella-57.pagesz.net []) by pagesz.net (8.8.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id UAA08671; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 20:07:09 -0500
Message-Id: <32FA7D27.63AE at pagesz.net>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 19:53:59 -0500
From: Gregory Boop <gboop at pagesz.net>
To: at abuse.networks.net, abuse at, abuse at dm.com
        abuse at dm1.com, abuse at telysis.com, abuse at telysis3.telysis.com,
        B0000008256 at telysis3.telysis.com, dm.com at abuse.networks.net,
        freeway at, freeway at dm.com, postmaster at,
        postmaster at dm.com, postmaster at dm1.com, postmaster at telysis.com,
        postmaster at telysis3.telysis.com,
        telysis3.telysis.com at abuse.networks.net
Subject: Offence under US code Title 47, Sec 227(b) (1) (C)

I have recently received UNSOLICITED and UNWANTED junk e-mail from an
individual who appears to be using your site.  A copy of that mail is
attached herewith.  Junk Mail is now regarded as the same as unwanted
and unsolicited junk faxes and telemarketing calls - all of which are
now ILLEGAL under US federal law:

     By US Code Title 47, Sec.227(a)(2)(B), a computer/modem/printer
     meets the definition of a telephone fax machine. By Sec.227(b)
     (1)(C), it is unlawful to send any unsolicited advertisement to
     such equipment, punishable by action to recover actual monetary
     loss, or $500, whichever is greater, for EACH violation.

Please ensure this is stopped NOW.  You have been put on notice.  If you
confirm to me promptly that effective action has been taken against
persons responsible, I will not take the matter further on this

If you do not provide me with such confirmation in a timely manner, or
ANY further UNSOLICITED or UNWANTED junk mail should be received from
site, I will instruct my attorney to issue a writ WITHOUT FURTHER
and the matter will then be pursued under federal law.  I will
notify your upstream providers as they may also be liable for violations
originating from your site.
Received: from kohn-b (cnc129043.concentric.net [])
	by newman.concentric.net (8.8.5/(97/01/29 1.12))
	id IAA26653; Fri, 7 Feb 1997 08:01:05 -0500 (EST)
	[1-800-745-2747 The Concentric Network]
Message-Id: <199702071301.IAA26653 at newman.concentric.net>
Reply-To: <bicker at concentric.net>
From: "Brian Charles Kohn" <bicker at concentric.net>
To: <abuse at dm.com>
Subject: Fw: FREE OFFER !!
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 07:00:31 -0600

Please note that your subscriber "freeway" is sending out unsolicited
commercial solicitations.  Besides the legal issues, it is not appreciated.
 Please address this issue with your subscriber.
Received: (from larry at localhost) by casper.tvinet.com (8.8.4/8.8.2) id QAA26259; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 16:51:18 -0800 (PST)
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 16:51:16 -0800 (PST)
From: Larry Phillips <larry at casper.tvinet.com>
To: freeway at, root at, postmaster at
Cc: freeway at dm.com, root at dm.com, postmaster at dm.com
Subject: Re: FREE OFFER !!
In-Reply-To: <B0000010696 at telysis3.telysis.com>
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.91.970206165006.25645A-100000 at Casper>

Bugger off

Received: from frankenputer (pmnet02-08.austin.texas.net []) by natashya.eden.com (8.8.5/8.8.1) with SMTP id SAA15421; Thu, 6 Feb 1997 18:58:00 -0600 (CST)
Message-Id: < at mail.eden.com>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 18:56:40 -0600
To: postmaster at telysis.com, postmaster at dm.com
From: "John D. Webb" <jdwebb at logiclabs.com>

To whom it may concern,

I received this *unsolicited* SPAM mail originating from or referencing
your domain. I do *not* appreciate receiving such junk mail. I request that
you take whatever steps are necessary with the account holder to see that
they desist such abuses.

   Thank you,
   John Webb
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 11:06:21 -0500 (EST)
From: FZR400 at aol.com
Message-Id: <970208110620_-1174326236 at emout05.mail.aol.com>
To: postmaster at bwalk.dm.com
Subject: Re: Returned mail

Member, Internet Advertising Relief Association
Received: from benicia60.castles.com (benicia60.castles.com []) by mustang.via.net (8.6.9/8.6.9) with SMTP id WAA26381; Sat, 8 Feb 1997 22:12:37 -0800
Message-Id: <199702090612.WAA26381 at mustang.via.net>
Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 22:13:02 -0800
To: abuse at PSI.COM, root at CLEVER.NET, abuse at CLEVER.NET
From: Brad Albom <brada at via.net>
Subject: SPAM: FREE OFFER !!
Cc: freeway at dm.com


This email is to notify you that one of the domains and/or
users that you are resolving for is sending SPAM email.
The email included below was unsolicited and unwelcome.
I presume that you have policies regarding this type of
activity and will take appropriate action.

Thank you,


-brad albom
Software Engineering Solutions, Inc
2685 Marine Way, Suite 1215, Mountain View, CA 94043
email: brada at sesinc.com  <- Office address
alt  : brada at via.net     <- Home address, checked more frequently
phone: (415) 969-0141
alt  : (707) 552-5248


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