Cool Names, Lost in Flames

Otto Matic ott0matic at
Fri Feb 7 11:36:04 PST 1997

Some time ago Human Gus-Peter wrote something that went like this:

> I still think that you should just let your kids run your machine or
> just pick the guy with the coolest name, like Attila the Hun or 
> Genocide or OttOmatic.

Thanks, Human Gus-peter.  I think my name is cool also.  

I am only suscribeed to the flames list, because my uncle (a secret guy) reads
the CENSORED list.  This way we can see what the other secret guys are up to,
and what kind of KewL StUfF they throw into the Flames Trashcan.

Human Gus-peter, I think you should be very careful.  They throw 
everything you write into the trash.  That could mean they are watching you. 
That could be VERY bad for you.  We will see where this message goes.

Otto Matic

"Fuckin' A, Miller!"  Bud, Repo Man

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