ANNOUNCEMNT: February 1997 Cypherpunks Bay Area Meeting

Rich Graves llurch at
Fri Feb 7 01:48:18 PST 1997

A couple things need underscoring: 

On Wed, 5 Feb 1997, Hugh Daniel wrote:

> Agenda: 11:++	setup, gossip, face feeding etc.
> 	12:00	USG Export 'Laws' of the week, Roz Thomsen, PGP inc.
Thomsen needs to leave early, so we will make every effort to "start on

> 	  We have a wonderful space to do demos in this month, Turing
> 	Auditorium has Internet, projections screens, audio amps and
I.e., Ethernet, either 10BaseT or coax, no firewall. Please show up by 11:30
if you want an IP address. Hooked up to the projectors are a PowerMac, a
Windows 95 box, and I might lug my Linux box over, too. One analog phone, in
case anyone wants one. I suppose we could still do live RealAudio and/or
CU-SeeMe iff someone feels they have something to say of such earth-
shattering importance that the whole net must hear. Otherwise, I'd rather
keep the distracting toys out of the way.


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