mail-to-news fun

Scott V. McGuire svmcguir at
Thu Feb 6 11:21:19 PST 1997

On Wed, 5 Feb 1997 stewarts at wrote:
> If I were going to restart a remailer, and to offer news posting,
> I'd probably limit it to posting to moderated newsgroups only,
> so a human can trash things that look like SPAM or abuse;
> the abuse that caused me to kill my remailer wasn't something
> a simple filter would catch.  (I'd also prefix each posting with a 
> header about this message having been received from an anonymous source,
> not verified, not guaranteed to be worth the electrons it's printed on,
> probably not written by anybody whose name's at the bottom, etc....
> People don't read mail headers or disclaimers at the bottom,
> and putting disclaimers like that into message text for
> email exposes the message to traffic analysis.)

How does putting it in the message expose it to traffic analysis but not
putting it in a header?

> #			Thanks;  Bill
> # Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at
> # You can get PGP outside the US at
> #     (If this is a mailing list, please Cc: me on replies.  Thanks.)

Scott V. McGuire <svmcguir at>
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