John Gilmore / What a _Lamer_!

Larry Johnson lwjohnson at
Tue Feb 4 23:41:25 PST 1997

John Gilmore wrote:
> Tim, the Cypherpunks have chosen to follow Sandy's lead for this
> month.

I havent chosen nothing like that. 
I read all the stuff from all the messages from before modernation 
and since then and nobody got to choose nothing. You told them what
they were going to gwet and thats what they got.
Anybody that made it plain that they werent happy got thrown in the
trashcan and labled as being a flamer.

>  I'll admit I made it easy for them, but the results are
> conclusive.  There are 1311 addresses in the cypherpunks list today;
> 42 in the unedited list; and 19 in the flames list.

1311 addresses that you stole for your censored list.
Nobvody subscribved to cypherpunks-censored. You put them there cause
its you decided it was your list an dyou could put people where you
wanted even if they didnt like it.
My uncle calls it the cyperpunks-Auschwitz list. Thats what subdir
he keeps it in in his Dorks dir.

> The cypherpunks list was unusable
> for this kind of discussion, only a month ago.  It's usable now.

I could use it before and Im just a kid but Im not a lamer. 
Maybe you should call the list you stole cypherpunks-lamers. 

> I'm definitely bugged by the community's attitude toward my
> "censorship".  

I know you are or else you wouldna thrown cypherpunks honest and
truthful feelings in the flames-crapper.

> Rather than being glad that someone, anyone, was doing
> something about the major problem on the list, 99% of the reaction was
> to create even more ill-considered, emotional flamage.

I read a lot of flamessages which people put a lot of their thouhgts 
into bu t they were emotional cause people get like that when someone
doo-doos on them.

>  *I* didn't
> make the signal/noise get worse at that point -- *you-all* did.

You dont make any signal/noise at all since you dont even send messages
to the list. (except when you want tell bs about how people "chose"
Sandy to be their dictator when they didnt)
> "Asking the list what to do" was clearly not a useful
> option.

Not necessary either if your a dictator.

>  As Dale suggests, I
> wasn't about to waste my time reading the whole list in real time and
> passing judgement on the postings.  Sandy was, for a month.

Howcum reading the list is a wast eof your time but making decisions
for ecveryone on the cypherpunks isnt?
>     To some it seemed that, now that they were in actual possession of
>     it, freedom was a more serious thing than they had expected to
>     find it.
> Most of the people on the list haven't bothered to face that freedom.

1311 ofg them?
Howcum you just stole all of the list people for your censored list?
I think that was real stupid unless you just didnt care if people 
would know that your were stealing the list for yourself. It was
really rotten to call pewople flamers just cause they complained.

> Be responsible for setting your society's privacy policy -- without
> knowing whether you are right.

Thats what those GAK guys are for and all those secret govbernment
guys that want there not to be a cypherpunks anymore.

> Shall I post you an Emancipation Proclamation -- as if you needed one?

No you already done too much.

> The experiment will be over in a few weeks.  Who's going to take over
> deciding how to run the list, and running it?

I will. Im just a kid but I cant do any worse than already.
> the immortal words of Lazarus Long, "PIPE DOWN!".

Im a kid so I get told to shut up all the time but I dont.

> PS: Can we talk about crypto too? 

What do you mean _we_ white man? (thats a joke)
You havent talked about nothing on the list except how your not a
bad guy for pushing people areound into the lists where you want
them whether they like it or not.

You stole my uncles subsribing to the cypherpunks list and made him
a censored person. He had to break out to go to the uncensored list.
I think your a lamer.

Human Gus-Peter

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