Dissolving Choke Points

Eric Cordian emc at wire.insync.net
Mon Feb 3 14:41:11 PST 1997

Peter Hendrickson writes:

> Moderation has been a failure.  I'm pretty good at filtering and I
> can sadly report that there is very little signal out there.

The quality of the Cypherpunks list is determined solely by the
amount of signal.  The amount of noise is irrelevant.  

Barring someone continuously mail-bombing the list 24 hours a day
from a T3, it is easy to pick and choose the posts one wishes
to read, and wipe the rest with a single keystroke afterwards. 

I read the list selectively depending upon the amount of free time
I have.  I always try to read serious crypto articles, and all posts
by Tim, Hal, Eric, Duncan, and a few other notables.  If I have 
additional time, I will read other threads of interest, a little
Vulis, and selected Toto, who happens to be a very funny person at

Now that we have moderation, I can't do this while subscribed to the
main list, and have to live in eternal fear that I am writing for 
an audience of 20 every time I respond to something on the unedited

Foo on that.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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