If guilty of a lesser crime, you can be sentenced for a greater

jim bell jimbell at pacifier.com
Sun Feb 2 10:48:29 PST 1997

At 12:56 AM 2/2/97 -0500, Black Unicorn wrote:

>Please note that the difference between:
>"But he got the same sentence as he would have if he was convicted of 
>carrying a gun in furtherance of the crime."
>"But he got the same sentence as he would have is he was not convicted of
>carrying a gun in furtherance of the crime."
>is subtle at best.
>Next time don't get caught stealing with a gun nearby.

Better yet, set up a system to encourage the public to USE those guns (and 
other weapons) to get rid of the people who pass such laws, and the problem 
is solved.

Jim Bell
jimbell at pacifier.com

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