porno is good for kids

Anonymous nobody at REPLAY.COM
Mon Dec 29 21:19:37 PST 1997

Pornography is good for children! It helps them acknowledge
the reality of sexual identity in the world of human beings.

Most of the people I knew even into high school had sex with
their friends before they were ten. Lots and lots of people --
meaning a lot -- took lots and lots of LSD. The world was good
because everyone was going someplace peaceful eventually and
neopaganism's many useful features brought widespread happiness.
We tracked down Playboys and Playgirls too and looked at them
and wondered at the novelty of the experience.

Tell children about the penis and the vagina and how they can
make you shiver and convulse with pleasure when you rub them
together! Tell them about the forgetfulness of being which comes
with orgasm. Sex is a wonderful part of life. Don't ruin it for
children with fear and associations of violence and evil.


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