Lock and Load

mparson at smartnap.com mparson at smartnap.com
Mon Dec 22 14:43:00 PST 1997

In message <199712222142.NAA27915 at sirius.infonex.com>, you write:
> Jim Choate wrote:
>> Forwarded message:
>>> Not being a native English speaker, I do not understand the
>>> meaning and origin of the phrase "LOck and Load".
>> It means to lock the rifles safety and load it's chamber in preperation for
>> firing at an enemy. It is usualy used in a military context but head-bangers
>> and such use it when talking about loading their bongs and I am shure other
>> groups use it as well in various contexts.
> Wait a second, aren't we supposed to load first and lock later? How
> can you load a rifle if it is on safety? 

You can load most rifles with the safety on.  We loaded our M-16s on the
line while the weapon was on 'safe' all the time.  The next command was
always, "Rotate your selector switch from 'safe' to 'semi.'  Firers,
watch your lanes... fire at will."  Most safeties are just trigger locks
that prevent you pulling the trigger, they do nothing preventing you
from sticking in a loaded magazine and chambering a round.

Michael Parson

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