Why I Support Microsoft

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Mon Dec 22 09:11:46 PST 1997

frissell at panix.com writes:

> At 01:18 PM 12/21/97 -0700, Tim May wrote:
> >Giving Clinton the cold shoulder was Intel. (Having worked for Craig
> >Barrett and Andy Grove, I can tell you that they despise the Democrats.)
> >
> >Though not on the radar screen quite yet, I expect the real action will be
> >targetted against Intel. Particularly if it looks like the Merced will
> >effectively displace all mainframe and business-sized CPUs.

I know for a fact that an action against Intel involving its putting graphics
on the CPU and/or support chips is in the works.

However saying that M$ is one of the good guys just because their position
on GAK and strong crypto is a little more palatable than Netscape's and
because they don't donate as much $$$ to the Democratic National Committee
as Netscape does is, IMO, a little too much of a stretch.

This is a baseless, lawless, outrageous action, but I'm glad it's aimed at
someone I don't like.

> aware of the nature of government (TJ Rogers of Cypress Semi par example), he
> would have just litigated the matter for 15 years or so and then when the
> decision came down it would be irrelevant no matter what it was.  What is the
> significance of a legal decision involving 15-year-old software?  But Bill
> didn't do that.  He signed the Consent Decree.  He thought that if one pays
> the Danegeld the Dane will stop bothering you.  It doesn't work that way.
> You sign an AntiTrust consent decree and you have the Feds beating you over
> the head with it for years.  [Ask the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
> which signed one in the 50's and almost ceased trading.]

Yep! And don't forget IBM's consent decree,s crewing it and its customers.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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