UK spooks invent RSA, DH in 1973

William H. Geiger III whgiii at
Thu Dec 18 13:52:49 PST 1997


In <v03102807b0be18de66e0@[]>, on 12/17/97 
   at 07:11 PM, Steve Schear <schear at> said:

>At 7:14 PM -0200 12/18/1997, Vicente Silveira wrote:
>>Adam Shostack wrote:
>>> Jim Burnes wrote:
>>> | >
>>> |
>>> | Can patents be revoked due to prior art arguments?
>>>         I think its a really bad precedent to revoking patents based
>>> on the basis of secret documents released after the fact.  If you
>>> believe in patents, then having your work nullifiable by government
>>> claims is a bad idea.
>>> ...
>>Maybe in the future this could be possible ... Let's say that
>>NSA does hashes of all their scientific papers and timestamp
>>them with some third party recognized company. This way NSA would
>>be able to prove that they had an original idea even if they claim
>>this only after someone else has reinvented it.

>I believe the GATT we signed prohibits so-called submarine patents which
>are  filed or issued significantly after their date of inception,
>frequently due to delaying tactics by the filer in the patent office.  If
>so, no gov't newly filed claims should affect the issued patents.

Fuck GATT!!

This is one of the reasons that I opposed GATT as it subverts the
Constitutional powers of Congress to International bodies that I had no
say in electing!! (even if I did I don't want some fuckup from the UN or
the EEO determining US law.)

Do not take this as an advocacy for submarine patents, as it is not.

Personally I hope that the patent issue will be a big enough of one to
piss Washington off enough to pull out of GATT!!

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William H. Geiger III
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
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