Bruce Balden balden at mail.bc.rogers.wave.ca
Wed Dec 17 13:16:02 PST 1997

I don't suppose the instinctive avoidance of security by obscurity
(validated by many problems in the past, especially the Enigma cipher used
by the Wehrmacht) has penetrated the great cryptographic minds o Meganet?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Young <jya at pipeline.com>
To: cypherpunks at toad.com <cypherpunks at toad.com>
Date: Wednesday, December 17, 1997 12:13 PM
Subject: VME As AES?

>PR Newswire, December 17, 1997:
>Los Angeles -- IBM telephoned Meganet Corporation ten days ago
>after reviewing the Virtual Matrix Encryption (VME) algorithm and
>highly recommended the VME technology to be the national
>standard for data encryption, reported Meganet. The IBM
>spokesperson from the Security Technology Division requested
>immediate submission of VME to the National Institute of Standards
>& Technology and the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers to
>facilitate the standardization. Obviously, Meganet's claim that their
>VME technology is completely impenetrable has garnered much
>Source: Meganet Corporation. http://www.meganet.com

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