message dependent hashcash => no double spend database (Re: hashcash spam prevention & firewalls)

phelix at phelix at
Wed Dec 17 02:02:33 PST 1997

On 17 Dec 1997 02:21:48 -0600, in local.cypherpunks you wrote:

>> The implementation of the plan is a more or less impossible scheme. 
>Nyet. It can be phased in over time...people install the software, mailing
>lists warn their users to exempt them, and the big servers start asking for the
>hashcash, little servers pick it up. 

Yes, but if you just phase it in over time, what benefit, if any, will
users see until hashcash is fully deployed.  Until that time, people will
still have to accept email without hashcash or risk losing important

We need to find some way for users to benefit from hashcash now, not 2
years from now when 90% of sites are using it.  The only thing I can think
of is having servers place "Hashcash-verified" headers on incoming mail so
that users can do positive filtering ("this is valid email") rather than
negative filtering ("this is spam").

I don't see people adopting hashcash unless there is some intermediate
benefit to doing so.

-- Phelix

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