Whoever thinks the "word" is censored, post the 'word' fool

Anonymous nobody at REPLAY.COM
Fri Dec 12 11:50:55 PST 1997

gburnore+NOspam at netcom.com (Gary L. Burnore) wrote:
> :My only guess is that the posting person thinks that Replay censors more
> :than one word, and that giveing the word away would tell Replay which
> :filter to lift.  If I had found something like that, I'd pass the info
> :around privately to a bunch of friends first, and make sure that I was not
> :the only one expereienceing the prob.
> Some have asked him to email it privately as well, seems he's not done that
> either.

I'm curious -- how would you know whether he's done so or not?  I don't 
recall you making that invitation to him.  Do you even accept incoming
e-mail from remailers?

> :Or, he could just be trolling.  :)
> Doubt it. It really sounds like he believes the word is being censored.

Maybe it's time for Alex to join this thread and either say "no, we don't
filter on any words at the Replay remailer", or else "yes, here's a list
of the words we consider to be objectionable, so please omit them from
your posts through the Replay remailer".

I'm half expecting that his posts aren't showing up either because he's
screwed something up in the message to the remailer (like misspelling the
word "Newsgroups" in the header, for example), because the posting
gateway is flaky, or because some Net Nazi has taken it upon himself to
indiscriminately forge cancels to posts he doesn't like.  But some definitive 
word, one way or the other, would go a long way towards clarifying this
situation.  I see no rational reason for covertly blocking posts based on
content.  *IF* he didn't want something posted, then an announcement that
the Replay remailer rejects posts containing certain words or phrases
would make life simpler for all concerned.

And to whoever created the subject line for this message, I'm tempted to
either post the word "fool", or say that it's a lousy "Mr. T" impression. :)

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