Gary L. Burnore's Paranoid Hatred of Privacy and Anonymity

Anonymous nobody at REPLAY.COM
Thu Dec 11 07:32:33 PST 1997

wmcclatc at (William J. McClatchie, aka "Wotan") wrote:

> X-Comment: Aw, are you offended?
> X-no-archive: yes


> >> So you'll post your address and phone number right away, right?
> >  
> >You go first, since you claim you "have nothing to hide".  Why would anyone
> >with "nothing to hide" choose to "hide behind the skirts of" an unlisted phone
> >number and street address? (Recognize the rhetoric?  It's yours, not mine.)
> Can anyone else spot the hypocracy of someone using an anon-remailer
> demanding others post their unlisted phone numbers?

I'm glad you spotted that.  It started the other way around, with Gary Burnore
whining that people were "cowards" and "anonymous assholes" for not including
their e-mail addresses in their posts (thus indiscriminately broadcasting
them to the world), while his own telephone number is unlisted.

If he's so concerned about full disclosure and properly identifying everyone
that posts, then surely he won't mind posting his street address and home
phone number ... if he has "nothing to hide". <g>  Personally, I don't care
what his phone number and address are.  I have no reason to call or snail
mail him.  I'm only calling his bluff concerning the premise "if you have
nothing to hide, then you won't mind disclosing everything".  If you're the
current contender in the DataBasix tag team, then the same challenge applies
to you.  Since Gary claims that he has blocked all e-mail from remailers,
apparently he does not wish to communicate with me privately.

So why should an unlisted e-mail address be any different than an unlisted
telephone number?  If I want you to e-mail me, I'll give you my address.
I don't.  So why should I broadcast my e-mail address?

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