[RePol] ABCnews/Nightline on Cyber Terror 8-Dec-97

Anonymous nobody at REPLAY.COM
Tue Dec 9 12:09:04 PST 1997

X Four wrote:
> Last night, ABC news once again stroked the fires of fear and raised the
> boogieman of "Hackers" destroying the goverment, banks, power plants, ad
> nauseum.  Of course, the main guest was from the US Govt's new trumpeter
> of CyberTerrorizm, "the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure
> Protection".  A full transcript is available.
> _______________________________________________________
> Revolution in a Box -- Cyber Terror -- AIR DATE: Monday, Dec. 8, 1997
> http://www.abcnews.com/onair/nightline/html_files/transcripts/ntl1208.html
> Jamie Gorelick: Well, there are a number of things we can do. I mean, the
> effort that has been started already is one to build a partnership
> between the government and the private sector to work together 

  Is it not funny how this theme of the "government and the private 
sector" working together is becoming a worldwide theme, just as the
theme of "cooperation between governments" is also becoming a universal
  Can you say, "Fascism?" Sure you can...
  Can you say, "New World Order?" Sure you can...
  Can you say, "Bend me over and stick a crowbar up my ass?"...

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