Remailer Trivia / Re: Singapore & Freedom (fwd)

Jim Choate ravage at
Mon Dec 8 18:00:02 PST 1997

Forwarded message:

> Date: 8 Dec 1997 17:40:04 -0000
> From: Charlie Comsec <comsec at>
> Subject: Re: Remailer Trivia / Re: Singapore & Freedom 

> I find it interesting that most of the people who refer to anonymous
> posters as "hiding behind" or "hiding behind the skirts of" something
> usually have unlisted telephone numbers when you try to do a search
> for them. <g>  I wonder why "hiding behind" an unlisted telephone number
> is considered acceptable but having an "unlisted" e-mail address is not
> considered acceptable?

> BTW, do you "hide behind" clothes when you walk on the street?  If so, why?
> Got something to hide?  Huh?  COWARD!!!! <g>

Public anonymity and having an unlisted phone number are not even the same
thing. An unlisted phone number is to reduce public exposure, anonymity is
to enhance public exposure and secure plausible deniability. To have an
analogous situation you would need to use a *listed* phone number registered
to anonymous in such a way that ANI displayed the number but any directory
search resulted in anonymous w/ no address or other tracing info even for
the phone company. To the best of my knowledge no phone company anywhere
will allow a customer to purchase service without identifying themselves to
the phone company. Please let me know if there is such a beast somewhere.

Generaly people wear clothes because it is convenient and required by social
mores and legal statute.

Put your money where you mouth is, send your bank acct. no. & PIN to the
list....come on, you can trust US.

   |                                                                    |
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   |      We built your fort. We will not have it used against us.      |
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   |                          John Wayne -  Allegheny Uprising          |
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   |                                                                    | 
   |            _____                             The Armadillo Group   |
   |         ,::////;::-.                           Austin, Tx. USA     |
   |        /:'///// ``::>/|/              |
   |      .',  ||||    `/( e\                                           |
   |  -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-                         Jim Choate       |
   |                                                 ravage at     |
   |                                                  512-451-7087      |

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