mail2news gateway (fwd)

Andy Dustman andy at
Mon Dec 8 14:59:59 PST 1997

On Mon, 8 Dec 1997, Alex de Joode wrote:

> Anyone has more info
> ------
> For the past several weeks, a right wing extremist group in Topeka,
> Kansas has been tampering with mail2news gateways, including yours, to
> prevent several people who oppose their hate agenda from posting to the
> usenet through your gateway. 
> The affected gateways include at least alt.revisionism, alt.christnet,
> alt.politics.homosexuality and alt.abortion. Posts are returned "user
> unknown" suggesting that the mailbox may have been deleted. 
> This is a group of *fanatics* (Westboro Baptist Church) whose website
> may be known to you. They also operate several other
> websites under aliases the best-known of which is
> They advocate murdering abortion clinic workers,
> homosexuals and blacks. 

The nuts are real enough, but I think this must be a troll, or from
someone really confused.

Andy Dustman / Computational Center for Molecular Structure and Design
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