New key

Anonymous nobody at REPLAY.COM
Sun Dec 7 17:34:58 PST 1997

Monty Cantsin writes:
>Some readers have suggested that my El Gamal key values were not
>chosen correctly.  My previous key used a random large prime, but
>Schneier suggests choosing one with a guaranteed large prime factor
>("Applied Cryptography", section 11.6).
>To correct that I offer a new El Gamal key which I will use for

It is somewhat ironic that you would create a key on this particular
weekend.  I trust you will not mind if I use the older key.  Probably
anybody with the resources to crack it has something worthwhile to
say. ;-)  (Caught that little trick in the selection of g.  Cute!)

I'll try to maintain the high standards you've set for the key,
although it is likely these efforts will fall short.  I've admired
your well thought out, informative, and modest posts for some time

Monty Cantsin
Editor in Chief
Smile Magazine

Subject: Re: New key
To: cypherpunks at
25BA1A9F5B9010DD8C752EDE887E9AF3 [Cantsin Protocol No. 2]
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