Superdistribution development/release

Robert Hettinga rah at
Fri Dec 5 08:49:26 PST 1997

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Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 09:41:30 -0500
To: dcsb at
From: hutchinson at (Art Hutchinson)
Subject: Re: Superdistribution development/release
Cc: brian at
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Reply-To: hutchinson at (Art Hutchinson)

>On Wed, 3 Dec 1997, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>> Here an incentive: if anyone breaks this, I'll write an article about it
>> and another profiling the person who does.
>> When you have this kind of "encryption" scheme running on untrusted
>> hardware to which the user has access, it's doomed to fail. Even if it's
>> custom hardware, it'll probably be broken, but it'll just take longer.

To which Brian Buchanan replied:

>Should be relatively trivial to break the encryption, since it can't be
>over 40-bit (or 56-bit if the company joined the kiss-ass alliance).

Uh, its a Canadian company.   That John Candy movie about the
U.S. invasion didn't really happen.   ;-)

- Art

Art Hutchinson                                       hutchinson at
Northeast Consulting Resources, Inc.     phone: (617) 654-0635
One Liberty Square                                 fax: (617) 654-0654
Boston, MA 02160                       
"Working at the intersection of business and IT strategy to
help organizations embrace electronic commerce opportunities"

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Robert Hettinga (rah at, Philodox
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