ATTN: Gary L. Burnore

Anonymous Use-Author-Address-Header at [127.1]
Wed Dec 3 07:05:04 PST 1997

gburnore at (Gary L. Burnore) wrote:

> :The remailer help documents I'm familiar with say they will act to prevent
> :"harrassment" through the remailer.  I presume the above would be viewed by
> :the remailer owners as harrassment.
> Interesting presumtion. Hopefully true.  The ONLY difference between remailers
> and ISP's in this case, is that with an ISP, if you forge another's real
> address there's at least a possibility that you can be held accountable for
> it.  It's nothing at all to do with the CONTENT of the post.  If same can be
> said of a remailer, ie if you get UCE based on a post made with your address
> as a from line the _real_ poster can be held accountable, then there is no
> issue. 

That argument might have some validity if Netcom (your own ISP) didn't allow 
its own mail servers to be utilized by spammers and tell people who complain 
about this practice to G.F.Y.  Just read some of the complaints about
Netcom on the NG.

If you had been "UCE baited" by someone using Netcom's mail servers, rather
than those of a remailer, would you attempt to harass Netcom like you did
Jeff Burchell who ran Mailmasher and the Huge Cajones Remailer?  Would one
of your associates at DataBasix demand that Netcom be shut down since they 
are unable or unwilling to stop the abuse of their servers?  Would you 
threaten legal action to get Netcom to turn over all of their sendmail logs 
to you?

What do you mean by "held accountable"?  Having a throwaway Netcruiser
account (perhaps one of many), acquired under a phony name, cancelled?

You've already been informed, and admitted that it has been effective, that
if you don't wish your e-mail address to appear in a From: line from a
remailer you can request source blocking.  It's sort of like the
blocking of a/c 900 telephone numbers.  If you are worried about abuse of
your phone, you can request that calls to 900 numbers from your phone be
blocked.  You don't have to insist that they be blocked from EVERYONE'S
phone just because they're a problem FOR YOU.  Can you point to any
equivalent safeguard against someone's e-mail address being forged through
Netcom's SMTP servers, either by a Netcom user or by someone else?

If not, isn't it time to make sure your own house is in order before meddling
in the neighbors' houses?  IMO, the remailers are already doing more to
prevent what you perceive to be a problem than your own ISP is willing to
do -- and this by VOLUNTEERS who are not being paid by you, or anyone, for
their efforts.

I also note that you're using the word "forge" again.  Yet in another post
from you within a day or two of this one, you claimed that you weren't
concerned about forgery.  Which is true?


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