A Distributed Network Cache Service

Mike Duvos enoch at zipcon.net
Fri Aug 29 14:26:37 PDT 1997

I've been thinking a bit about the micropayment-based distributed
network file system of the future.

It should be scalable, with the addition of servers being a
simple process.  Anyone should be able to run a server.

Kidnapping a server should disclose nothing about the contents of
files stored there.  Which files are stored on which servers
should be concealed from mere users of the network.

Anyone should be able to use the system by connecting to the
server nearest them.  Deterministic routing between servers
should be used by servers to provide files to other servers.

The system should provide for replication of files on a fixed
number of servers, with "k of n" parts being sufficient for

Aside from replication done for reliability, there should be only
one copy of a file in the system at any time.  If multiple users
submit the same file, there should be no more copies than if one
user submitted it.

The architecture of the system should be completely independent
of any specific file system organization, and any user should be
able to sync all or any part of his file system with the network
file system, or cache against the network file system on his
local machine.

The system should be completely secure, even from operators of
servers.  The person submitting a file receives a secret
necessary for its reconstruction, and the file may only be
accessed by the owner and those to whom the secret is
communicated.  The war room at the Pentagon and TCMay should be
able to use the same server as an extension of their local file
systems without any security worries.

Let's consider the following service...

Bob has an string of 100,000 octets he wants to make available to
Alice and a few of their closest friends.  Bob makes a secure
connection to a Trusted Agent doing business with the network
file system, and gives the Trusted Agent the string, and a
micropayment of $1/MB or 10 cents.  Working in a secure box, the
Trusted Agent batch compresses and scrambles Bob's string into a
much smaller string of seemingly random bits, and gives Bob two
128 bit values, a TAG, which will identify Bob's data to Bob, and
to anyone else Bob may wish to share his data with, and a
CONTEXT, which will unravel Bob's data back into its original
form.  The Trusted Agent then signs Bob's data, declaring that
the resulting digital coccoon produced from Bob's data is
associated with the TAG, and that the CONTEXT necessary to
recover the data has been communicated to Bob and all copies
destroyed.  The agent gives Bob the TAG and CONTEXT, and sends
the processed data and the TAG to the distributed file system,
and it is stored on one or more of its servers for the next 100
days, after which it expires.

For the next 100 days, Bob and all of his friends may use the 256
bit TAG/CONTEXT pair in place of Bob's data and may serve that
data for free any number of times off any network file system
server.  They simply make a secure connection to any server, and
send the TAG.  The server returns to them the seemingly random
stream of bits, after which a freeware program takes that data
and the CONTEXT, and regenerates the original data.

After 100 days, bob may fork over another 10 cents for another
100 days, or his data will disappear.  The TAG assigned to an
Octet String is unique, and no two strings have the same TAG, and
no string is ever assigned multiple tags, no matter how often it
may be entered and purged from the system.

Now, almost everything you could want from a network wide
distributed file system can be carried on top of this simple
service, which might be considered a system of temporary lodging
for popular Octet Strings.

You rent your Octet String a room, where you and people you
authorize may have unlimited visits for 100 days, and at the end,
your Octet String checks out for parts unknown.

One can do an almost unlimited number of useful things with such
a service which, given a fast network connection, allows you to
store any file in 256 bits for a period of time ranging from 100
days to forever, for a small fee.

Bob could back up his entire file system to the network, sending
each individual file or directory as an Octet String, with hard
links to files replaced with TAG/CONTEXT pairs.  The TAG/CONTEXT
pair for Bob's root directory would then be used to access Bob's
file system off any network server.  If Bob changed some files,
he could resync his FS with the server by only updating a few
Octet Strings.  If Bob synced his FS with the network daily, and
jotted down the TAG/CONTEXT pair for his root directory, Bob
could mount his file system as it appeared at backup time for any
of the last 100 days, with no replication of material on the
servers that contained it.

Bob could write a "compression" program, Bobzip, which would
produce an "archive" where each file only took 256 bits of space,
and which could be "unBobzipped" on any machine connected to the
Network for the next 100 days.  Bob could mail this small
"archive" to his friends.

If browsers understood URLs referencing the distributed file
system, Usenet binaries could be replaced with appropriate
pointers in Usenet articles, ending the endless replication of
binaries on thousands of machines, and reducing Usenet back to a
managable volume of data.

Users could boot their machines off the Network, and instantly
see gigabytes of software available to them.  After syncing their
cache file system with the network, they could drop their PC off
the roof, buy another one, and by typing in just one TAG/CONTEXT
pair, see all their files again.

Cache proxys could be set up which would grab files from the
servers and provide NFS access to them, permitting other hosts to
export NNTP, HTTP, and FTP access to the distributed network data.

I would imagine a typical useful node in such a distributed
system would need about 10 gig of disk, a fast network
connection, and a reasonably fast processor.  Such a node could
hold 100 meg of compressed data for each of the 100 days until
the space was reused.  At full utilization, each node would
generate in excess of $100 a day of revenue at $1/MB.

     Mike Duvos         $    PGP 2.6 Public Key available     $
     enoch at zipcon.com   $    via Finger                       $
         {Free Cypherpunk Political Prisoner Jim Bell}

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