Sweden's Social Democrats Sterilize the Inferior

Martin Minow minow at apple.com
Thu Aug 28 17:32:53 PDT 1997

Dagens Nyheter just put the entire article series on their home page
<http://www.dn.se/> and I'll read through it tonight (and probably
through the weekend -- it's about the length of an old-time New Yorker

The information in the article has apparently been available in
English for some time now in, for example,

"Sterilization Policy in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland,"
edited by Gunnar Broberg and Nils Roll-Hansen. Michigan State
University Press, 1996.

According to a bit of an interview in another DN article,
Professor Broberg has been researching and writing about
forced sterilization for "several decades," but it took
an article in a popular newspaper (DN is the largest quality
newspaper in Sweden, and has roughly the role of the New
York Times and/or Washington Post) to bring this to the
attention of the government and international media.

A Swedish journalist, Bosse Lindqvist, prepared and broadcast
a radio program on this six or seven years ago that was met by
"massive disinterest."

Many of the "national purity" ideas behind forced sterilization
can be found in the writings of Gunnar and Alva Myrdal, who are
central to the development of the modern Swedish state.

Martin Minow.

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