New Free Educational Sites

Kevin Keil webmaster at
Mon Aug 25 14:32:54 PDT 1997

Just a brief note to let you know about two new educational sites that are interactive and intended for non-technical audiences. I thought you might be interested in these new programs. Human Anatomy On-line covers the subject of the anatomy and Automotive Learning On-line covers the subject of automobiles. They include hundreds of graphics, educational information and animations. These two programs are free to the Internet community. This is a great resource that delivers educational material for schoolchildren to adults. I hope that you will find them to be of high quality and educational.

Thank you for your time.

Human Anatomy On-line is located at
Automotive Learning On-line is located at

Kevin Keil
Informative Graphics Corp
Webmaster at

NOTE: This address was located on a web page and used to notify you of this information. I will not be contacting you again unless requested.

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