take The Boulder Pledge now!!!

amp at pobox.com amp at pobox.com
Fri Aug 22 00:36:38 PDT 1997

> The Boulder Pledge works by making junk mail unprofitable.  If nobody 
> *ever buys anything,* spammers eventually will quit.  I hope.

> End the Plague.  Raise your right hand.  Read aloud [the Boulder 
> Pledge].  Then, pass it on, via Email to 10 or 20 of your concerned
> friends.  Thanks.

hahahaha ROTF! Stop spam, please forward this to 2000 of your closest friends!


---------------End of Original Message-----------------

Name: amp
E-mail: amp at pobox.com
Date: 08/22/97
Time: 02:02:46
Visit me at http://www.pobox.com/~amp

Have you seen 
"The Legislature interprets the Constitution as damage, and routes around it."

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