An end to "court appointed attorneys"

Patrick Oonk patrick at
Wed Aug 20 13:25:17 PDT 1997

> At 12:00 PM -0700 8/20/97, Paul Pomes wrote:
> >At 10:49 PDT on Wednesday, August 20, 1997, Tim May wrote:
> >
> >|>Maybe for the simple reason that some people might not have the money to
> >|>defend themselves ?
> >|
> >|And what of those without the money to feed themselves? Etc.
> >
> >The difference is that the lack of means to feed oneself is usually self-
> >selected.  Political criminals, or people simply unaware that they're felons
> >under an increasing number of laws, seldom have a choice whether they will
> >be arrested and tried.
> >
> >Certainly the preferred solution is to junk most of the laws on the books.
> >However until committing a felony is an explicit conscious act, we will
> >need court-appointed attorneys for persecution victims.
> I don't buy this. You are, of course, welcome to join Patrick Oonk in
> funding lawyers for those unable (or unwilling) to pay. Demanding that I
> pay for your charitable desires is, of course, theft.

I am glad I live in the Netherlands, where there's at least of bit
of social consciousness left.

| Patrick Oonk -  - patrick at |
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