Encrypted talk

Fabrice Planchon fabrice at math.Princeton.EDU
Wed Aug 20 09:10:43 PDT 1997

On Tue, Aug 19, 1997 at 06:32:54PM -0700, Jeremey Barrett wrote:
> Jason Burrell writes:
>  > Does there happen to be a talk program out there that will allow more than
>  > two people to talk at once, and allow them to speak securely with strong
>  > cryptography, and will actually compile under Linux? 
>  > 
> Barring the existence of such a thing, find a talk/talkd that does
> everything w/o the crypto, and tunnel it over ssh.

Unless ssh is already installed for all concerned parties, it's going to
be a royal pain. There is actually a pgptalk somewhere, based on ytalk,
which works quite well and should compile under linux. Don't remember
where I found it, but an archie search on pgptalk will tell you.


Fabrice Planchon                                          (ph) 609/258-6495
Applied Math Program, 210 Fine Hall                      (fax) 609/258-1735

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