24 Hour Approval, Low Lease Rates

01450468 at gte.net 01450468 at gte.net
Sat Aug 16 06:22:21 PDT 1997

    This advertisement brought to you by Email Power, as a person
     interested in leasing equipment at very favorable rates if we have
     sent  this to you by mistake, please accept our apology , to be
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Heritage Pacific Leasing , one of the leading lease companies today,
currently has an abundance of funds available for NEW leasing Clients!!

Our Lease Plans have provided affordable solutions, and  funds
for every conceivable type of equipment!!

Whether you are in need of a new computer, or fax machine, or a whole
new fully equiped office, or business, even manufacturing or farming
equipment , we are your solution!!

We offer very competitive rates, E-Z qualifying, and approval in as
little as 24 hours!! 

Remember a properly designed lease program provides additional
TAX advantages over more conventional methods of financing and 
typically cost less in terms of  $$CA$H FLOW$$

Let us show you how E-Z and FAST, we can design a lease for YOU, 
email our autoresponder now, for more information and an E-Z
application Form!!

mailto:netpower at answerme.com

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