Bringing Adam Back for Trial

Adam Back aba at
Fri Aug 15 12:46:23 PDT 1997

Tim May <tcmay at> writes:
> At 2:05 AM -0700 8/15/97, Bill Stewart wrote:
> >At 05:35 AM 8/14/97 +0000, Vipul Ved Prakash wrote:
> >
> >Since then, they've changed the laws, and the PERL RSA has gotten shorter...
> >
> >Of course, it's not a violation for Adam - he's not an American :-)
>  But of course Adam was seen within U.S. borders wearing such a
> shirt. This means the act of importation had occurred, regardless of
> where Adam came from (and regardless of where the shirt was made,
> etc.).

Made in UK, imported into US from UK, and then re-exported.

> And once imported, code becomes subject to all of the usual ITARs and
> related laws. (They changed the name "ITAR" to something else, which I've
> doubt 5 people will post one-liners telling me what it is.)

EAR.  But it was still ITAR at the time.

> So unless Adam disposed of this shirt, to a bonafide American or
> America-approved subject, before his departure from the U.S. last summer....

Nope, I wore it out again (under another garment -- concealed
munitions).  Had another one in my luggage which they searched.  My
luggage was searched on the way in and on the way out, and lots of
nosy questions were asked too.  Walked straight through both times in
the UK.

> Perhaps a DEA snatch team can be pressed into service to nab him in
> England, drug him, wrap him in tarps, and spirit him onto a C-5
> cargo plane headed for the Land of the Freeh.

That'd be nice, a freeh holiday :-)

There are I think a number of US people who have worn them through US
borders.  Perhaps we should collectively turn ourselves in and demand
they enforce the law.

Have *you* exported RSA today? -->

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>

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