PGP in < 100 lines of perl

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Fri Aug 15 02:37:57 PDT 1997

At 08:30 AM 8/14/97 +0100, Adam Back wrote:
>I once started trying to implement full PGP functionality in as few
>lines of perl/dc as possible.
>I got pgp signature verification working.
>and PGP compatible IDEA PRZ style CFB mode in 9 lines.  
>and PGP key lookup in 7 lines.
>and MD5 in 8 lines.
>(Several of those were other peoples contributions)
>If you used /dev/random for random numbers plus a bit more glue, it
>would've worked.  Everything put compression and key generation.

If you want to skip PGP file format compatibility, 
and type the occasional key in in hex, it should be even shorter;
the ideal is to fit in about 60 lines for faxing on one page :-)

Steve Reid did an RSA key generation program that, in squashed form,
looks like this (there's an expanded version with comments.)
It depends on the user entering a lot of random junk, but
that's what your N monkeys and keyboards are for.

$k=768;$e=sprintf'%X',65537;print"Please enter a LOT of random junk.\n"
;$a=<STDIN>;print"Working. This may take a while.\n";for(1..(length($a)-
select F;print"16dio[$e+]sa";for(1..50){for(1..$k/32){printf'%02X',&g;}
+32>C]sC[LsSrld1-dsd0<D]sD[le1+se0ddsasbsdlCxlDxlP2 $e*+sPlc99=Elb32=ElP
2 $e*-led1>QQ]sE_1selExsq_1seLPlExsp[p=]Plpp[q=]Plqp[n=]P*p[e=]P$e p1-lp
1-lq1-**1+$e/[d=]Pp\n";close(F);sub g{$d=($d+1)&255;$f=($f+$c[$d])&255;(

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at
# You can get PGP outside the US at
#   (If this is a mailing list or news, please Cc: me on replies.  Thanks.)

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