Clinton on mandatory voluntary gun locks

Declan McCullagh declan at
Thu Aug 14 13:01:00 PDT 1997

	<B>AM-Clinton-Gun Locks,160<P>
	<B>Clinton applauds gunmaker for safety locks<P>
	WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton belatedly applauded Smith &
Wesson Thursday for the handgun manufacturer's decision to begin
outfitting all its pistols with safety trigger locks.
	In a written statement, the president called the move "an
important and responsible step for children's safety" and said he hoped it
would encourage the Congress to require safety locks on all guns sold.
	"Child safety locks are the right thing to do," Clinton said.
	Smith & Wesson, the country's largest gunmaker, announced Monday
that all of their handguns would be equipped with a two-piece, keyed lock
starting next month.
	Clinton has pushed legislation requiring such locks with all gun
purchases, but House and Senate committees rejected the provision when
they put together their anti-crime legislation earlier this year. The
Senate bill must still be voted on by the full chamber when it returns
from the August recess.
	APTV-08-14-97 1544EDT

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