Guy Polis--2nd FORGERY

Rabid Wombat wombat at
Tue Aug 12 20:30:16 PDT 1997

Tim May wrote: 
> Rabid Wombat wrote:
> >Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> >> There's a crackpot by the name of Guy Polis (guy at, polis_guy@
> >> who posts a crackpot "cryptographic manifesto" and sounds
> >> like a bad troll intended to make the folks who promote the use of crypto
> >> look like, well, crackpots. Be warned.
> >
> >Tim May wrote:
> >>  Yeah, and like we're gun-nuts, too!
> Actually, I didn't write that. Just another forgery from "Toto" (I am
> presuming, from past admissions and from the ""
> origins).

> >The mammalian jackass is also claiming that all crypto promoters
> > are marsupials.

Neither did I write the above. This is really getting old. You'd think
the guy would at least learn how to forge a message header after all
this time. It just goes to show that people ought to pay more attention
to the headers on their email.
Otherwise, you never know when it's just somebody being an asshole.

There's something wrong when I'm marsupial under an increasing number of
Only one response to the vertabrae grabbers is warranted: "Death to

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