The BIG Lie (Jesus Confesses)

Patrick Oonk patrick at
Tue Aug 12 11:44:08 PDT 1997

> At 4:10 AM -0700 8/12/97, Patrick Oonk wrote:
> >Is this what the cypherpunks list has become ? Discussions about religion ?
> >
> >If so, I am out of here...
> The list is about what people discuss. It is up to all readers to write
> articles that are interesting.
> Merely sitting back and waiting for good articles is seldom fruitful.

Yeah right,

I subscribed to this list again after I met some cypherpunks
at HIP'97, as they told me it's still interesting.
AFAIK this list is about cryptography, privacy and security.

But hey, I just killfile everyone that discusses religion :)

| Patrick Oonk -  - patrick at |
| PGP Key ID 0xDA2E93FA   -   Internic PO59   -   <clicketyclick> |
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| Tel: +31-70-3111010 - Fax: +31-70-3111011 - |

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