Guy Polis

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at
Tue Aug 12 05:25:37 PDT 1997

Tim May <tcmay at> writes:

> At 6:27 PM -0700 8/11/97, Peter Trei wrote:
> >Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> >> There's a crackpot by the name of Guy Polis (guy at, polis_guy@
> >> who posts a crackpot "cryptographic manifesto" and sounds
> >> like a bad troll intended to make the folks who promote the use of crypto
> >> look like, well, crackpots. Be warned.
> >
> >Tim May wrote:
> >>  Yeah, and like we're gun-nuts, too!
> Actually, I didn't write that. Just another forgery from "Toto" (I am
> presuming, from past admissions and from the ""
> origins).
> Here are some of the relevant headers. Note also the Organization field.
> Received: from (
> []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with ESMTP id SAA24941 for
> <cypherpunks at>; Mon, 11 Aug 1997 18:31:33 -0700 (PDT)
> Received: from default ( []) by
> with SMTP (8.7.1/8.7.1) id TAA03750 for
> <cypherpunks at>; Mon, 11 Aug 1997 19:27:40 -0600 (CST)
> Message-ID: <33EFB850.5B50 at>
> Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 19:11:44 -0600
> From: Tim May <tcmay at>
> Organization: Electronic Forgery Foundation
> This is getting tiresome. It may be time to just head up to Ottawa, or
> wherever, look this guy up, and do something about him. His overly long
> drunken rants are one thing, and are easily deleted, but impersonating me
> is straight out of Detweiler's book. Must be something about Cypherpunks
> that brings out this urge to impersonate.

Toto's drunked rants and the most valuable traffic on this mailing list
these days - I read them and usually save them.  Tim May's censorship
rants make him sonnd like kent Krispin.

How do we know that Tim May didn't post the alleged forgery himself
and didn't munge the headers to point to Toto?

Here's a nice new .signature for you, Tim, courtecy of Dr. Fomin:

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]   .  .  :88%,+,iX.8.:.. .      Dr. Vladimir Il'ich Fomin
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].:.. . :.%\.\\l//:/i:}::.:.
]:.::. .  j%`.`-';'i.P:::.:.
]::.:.:. .:x.%`+'iX:P:::.:..  Please e-mail all your MLM offers
]::::.:.... 8%%A:8.}:::.:..   and business opportunities to:
]::::.::.:..j:(*).P::::.::..  news-admin-net-abuse-policy at
] ::::.:.:...x.V8P::::.:...
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]   ::::::::.,' `:::::...
]  `---____-'     `-____---'


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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