bulk postage fine (was Re: non-censorous spam control)

sar sar at cynicism.com
Sun Aug 10 06:03:17 PDT 1997

At 02:28 PM 8/3/97 +0100, you wrote:
>sar <sar at cynicism.com> writes:
>> At 06:32 AM 8/3/97 +1000, ? the Platypus {aka David Formosa} wrote:
>> >
>> >On Sat, 2 Aug 1997, Adam Back wrote:
>> >
>> >> Next we choose a threshold say 1000 posts per day.  Seems hard to
>> >> imagine anyone generating manually over 1000 emails per day.  That's
>> >> more than 1 per minute for a 10 hour day.
>> Take bugtraq which has over 12,000 subscribers. Each post to bugtraq would
>> send out 12,000 emails so it would cost aleph one 1200$ per post to his
>> list. I dont think anyone would want to run a mailing list under these
>> sorts of conditions.
>The way such pay for email systems as I see them would interface with
>your existing email system is that you would have a list of addresses
>which you would be happy to receive email from for free.

How about spam via trusted addresses, 1 out of 10 posts to this list seem
to be ads for something or other. Also what if I decide to subscribe to a
high volume list with a few email accounts and talk my friends into doing
the same. We also decide no to recieve mail from them for free. If we got
over 1000 mails in one day would they have to pay up 100$? and if so who
would they pay it to. People running mailing lists whould have to get
subscribers to verify that they added the list to their trusted address list. 

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