Alert: European Union Bank

Robert Hettinga rah at
Sat Aug 9 05:30:19 PDT 1997

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X-Sender: themet at
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 15:11:07 -0700
To: fraudnews at
From: Mark Taylor <null at>
Subject: Alert: European Union Bank
Reply-to: Mark Taylor <themet at>

The European Union Bank, which advertised for customers on the
internet and operated out of Antigua, is closed and a fraud alert has
been issued by the government of Antigua.  The founders of the bank,
Serbveo Ushakov, allegedly of Bronxville, New York, and Vietalui
Papsouev of Richmond Hill,  are missing. The government says the two
are Russian nationals.

Employees of the bank were fired last week and a recorded phone
message states that the bank is temporarily closed.  The banks
internet site at The bank's Internet site ( ) is
no longer functioning.

The government of Antigua has appointed Coopers & Lybrand do a full
audit of the bank.

On May 30 the Idaho Department of Finance ordered European Union to
stop soliciting
deposits from Idaho residents over the Internet.  The state alleged
that since the bank operated without a state or federal charter that
it was operating illegally.

Last week that the Bank of England warned investors last fall about
depositing funds in European Union Bank.

There is no word yet on how many people deposited money in this bank
and how much money is missing.  The government of Antigua states it
is cracking down on banks with alleged connections to Russian

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Robert Hettinga (rah at, Philodox
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