Christian CypherPunks / Re: The BIG Lie (Jesus Confesses)

TruthMailer tm at dev.null
Fri Aug 8 17:13:15 PDT 1997

David D.W. Downey preached hate and intolerance by saying:
> Considering the apparent ignorance you have
> displayed thus far about...

  I have not yet _begun_ to display my true ignorance.

> ...the makeup of the US, I would venture to say
> that you probably have not read it. 

  Silly me. I thought it guaranteed freedom _from_ religion. That's 
the last time I ask "? the Platypus" to read something and give me
a summary of it..

> Next, you attack christians for
> trying to control the content made available on the internet.

  Thanks for at least being honest enough to admit it. I don't attack
Christians for speaking their mind, I attack them for lying through
their fucking teeth about their motives and intentions.
  I have no problem with Christians wanting to take firm control of
their environment, but I object to them wanting to take control of
_my_ environment. You might think there is a need for more Christian
CypherPunks, while I think that there is a need for more CypherPunk
Christians. (And Mike Duvos thinks there is a need for more lions.)
  If you take the time to read "The _Really_ Big Lie," which has all
of the original post, instead of the one that the God/Dog of mirrored
remailers was so rude as to edit with a lightning bolt, it might be
slightly more clear that my rabid vendetta is not against a particular
point of view, but against hypocrisy and oppression.

> At least
> the site ratings plan is better than alot of other plans I have seen.

  Yes, it is. And it still sucks, as do the available Search Engines.
When was the last time you bought a Bible that had an index which 
showed 5,000 references to "he lifted her skirt, and knew her," for
every reference it has to "I AM."
  What we have in common is that you don't want to have Little Johnny
do a search for "Jesus" and get 5,000 sites with pictures of Jesus
shoving a crowbar up his ass, and I don't want to try to find a site
to buy a crowbar to work on my house and get 5,000 sites with pictures
of Jesus shoving a crowbar up his ass.
  My point is that I don't object to you supporting InterNet tools
which allow you to screen out pictures of Jesus with a crowbar up
his ass, but I object to a "quick and easy" solution which blocks
out all sites with a reference to "crowbars," because one guy in
Toledo "used to have" a site with a single picture of Jesus with
a crowbar up his ass.

  I would genuinely like to see more CypherPunk Christians. I would
like to see them write code which you can use to "block" access to
certain sites, and which I can use to "gain" access to certain sites.

> Besides, Oh Godlike TruthMonger, where is *your* surefire plan to halt
> the spread of trash that *most* humans would want out of of the reach of
> their children?

  Burn all the Bibles. (Thought you had me on that one, didn't you?)

> I have not seen you *once* offer a straightforward clear
> cut plan to efficiently handle *any* issue placed for discussion on this
> listserv.

  Tim May has already suggested that we, "Nuke D.C.", so any valid
solution to society's problems would merely be a plagarism of Tim's
stance. I just try to fill in the whitespace between Tim's posts.

> I have seen you do nothing but slam, belittle, and degrade
> others and their beliefs and ideas.

  I don't subscribe them to the CypherPunks list, I just turn on
the gas...

> When you can come up with a plan that even *remotely* seems like a
> logically thought out, planned, and intelligent proposal on how to
> handle the issues presented everyday on the internet that affect the
> computing industry balanced with a concern for the children, then I will
> listen.

  If you would listen to the *intelligent* proposals of rational, sober
people who are capable of sustaining a logical train of thought (such as
Declan McCullagh, Tim May, Blanc, and snow--to name but a few), and 
reply to them, then I would not have to suffer the indignity of
taking my medicine in order to let my Tourette Syndrome and Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder get so far out of hand that people such as yourself
will feel threatened enough to shake themself out of their robotic
slumber and contribute their knowledge, viewpoints and wisdom to the
CypherPunks list.
  Listen up, shit for brains, I am about to follow this insult with a

  I enjoyed your post! It is refreshing to hear someone defend their
faith using their own logic, intellect and thought, without merely
resorting to meaningless platitudes such as "God is Love" or "Patience
comes to those who wait."
  I don't have a "problem" with Christians, and I don't have a "problem"
with anarchists. I have a problem with people who begin a sentence with
the words, "EVERYBODY KNOWS..." Well, Lou Reed doesn't "know," although
he wrote a great song making fun of those who _claim_ to "know."
{If anybody on the list has his album, please post the relevant quotes.}

> (And yes, I do agree that the parents of the children have an
> obligation to monitor the content they are exposed to. It's called
> responsible parenting which unfortunately is not a well practiced
> ideology. And to take the wind out of your sales, I have 2 children and
> as a parent I limit them to what is appropriate to their ages.)

  The word is "sails," not "sales," you illiterate piece of crap who
accused me of going out of my way to "slam, belittle, and degrade
others" on the list.
  Why don't you get "? the Platypus" to teach you how to spel?

> Until
> such time as you can fulfill the obligations to us, the adult computing
> population, and our offspring, the children...

  Unless you have a valid signature of mine on a contract, I do not
believe that I am under any obligation to kiss your self-righteous,
Christian fucking ass.
  As a matter of fact, since I am every bit as immature as your saintly
children, I believe that the onus is on you to "protect" me from the
"immature-adult" molesters and the licensed doctors who prescibe the
same drugs for me that I used to get illegally from "drug dealers."

>  I suggest you rest those busy little
> fingers of yours and listen to the underlying theme of the issues before
> us.

  Don't talk while I'm interupting. It's rude.

>Until then, HateMonger, I have one suggestion for you..... Shut Up!

  I have to concede your point, here. I obviously need to be spanked.
How's your schedule look for next Friday?

"Mad dog in possession of the last false smile."

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