Query on cookies

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Fri Aug 8 01:17:05 PDT 1997

Thanks for the help, folks. This is for an article on privacy I was
working on, and I found the info I needed. For instance, Netscape's
explanation of the protocol left me wondering about whether cookies from
acme.com could be requested by competitor.com.

I ended up talking to some Netscape engineers, who were as puzzled as I
was by where the term "cookie" came from. But I found it in the good ol'
Jargon File... 


On Thu, 7 Aug 1997, Steve Schear wrote:

> At 12:23 PM -0700 8/6/97, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >Does anyone have a detailed understanding of how cookies work? I've read
> >Netscape's explanation of the protocol, but I still have some questions.
> >
> >-Declan
> The July issue of Internet World, "Baking Your Own Cookies," contains a
> good introduction into some of the details.
> --Steve

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