Canada's Entrust does end-run around ITAR

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Tue Aug 5 19:27:39 PDT 1997

At 09:43 PM 8/1/97 -0700, Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:
>NY Times
>August 1, 1997
>Canadian Product Puts New Spin on Encryption Debate

Thanks for posting the article - it's an interesting product to
play with.

However, "end run" isn't the right metaphor -
it's a different ball field, it's Canadian Football now,
and the Yankees don't have the home field advantage any more
and can't keep making up silly rules like having to hand the ball
to the FBI Halfback to check for Commies under it before passing it.

It's true there are some silly Canadian rules, like the
Canadian Content bit, but PGP could satisfy that by 
replacing the Keygen.avi movie with someone singing "Oh, Canada"... :-)

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at
# You can get PGP outside the US at
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