Info on House members

The Traveler travel23 at
Sun Aug 3 09:06:58 PDT 1997

    WASHINGTON (AP) - Civic-minded Web surfers can review reams of
information about the House - from members' financial disclosure
statements to historical information and archives - courtesy of a new
resource center that launched a site Wednesday on the Internet.
      ``This creates a whole new world,'' said House Speaker Newt
Gingrich,  R-Ga., who helped dedicate the Legislative Resource Center in
a converted storage room beneath the rotunda of the Cannon House Office
      It combines the functions of several previously separate offices,
including  the House Library, the Office of the House Historian and the
House Document Room, to provide one-stop shopping for information about
the House of Representatives.
      Visitors can also conduct research in person at the office.
      The Internet address is

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