mainstream media corruption same as govt

Vladimir Z. Nuri vznuri at
Wed Apr 30 17:47:34 PDT 1997

>Perhaps that's why it's hard, sometimes, to be a columnist here. If I call
>up the FDA, ask them why they're considering regulating the Net, then
>blast them in a column -- well, they're not going to return my phone calls
>next time. The TIME affiliation helps, but bureaucrats aren't entirely
>stupid -- they're not going to offer information and interviews to their
>critics. Perhaps there's something to be said for the Washington Post "he
>said, she said" style of reporting.

there is nothing to be said for it except that it is one step up from
what is contributing to the inbred relationship between journalists and
politicians. once upon a time, a journalist did not try to curry favor
with politicians, it was not a non-antagonistic relationship nor was
it meant to be. today, journalists go to their feeding buffets called
"press conferences" and pass on uncritically what is fed to them. whatever
happened to the journalist who tried to dig for a real story? obviously
the truth does not come easily, and older style journalists were closer to
understanding this.

why is our press so screwed up? because it has been infiltrated at the
very highest echelons by the CIA with its own agenda, which itself is
being driven by another more sinister agenda behind the scenes. 
the press has reached the level of hypnotic proportions in its ability
to manipulate the perceptions of the populace. if the media is the 
eyes of the populace, then it has been increasingly blinded for several 
years. I encourage anyone to read anything by Ambrose Evans Pritchard,
a british journalist, to see the level of unwary mindless corruption
we are now wallowing in daily in this country, in both the media and

the crack cocaine situation in LA is a good example of how the truth
is buried by the media. a maverick newspaper reports something close to the
truth and the cia-manipulated mouthpieces around the country pile on
the journalist and the newspaper in a barrage of picks that choke the
truth in clouds of smoke.

the internet is breaking some of the press's stranglehold on communication
between citizens. I expect that the mainstream media is going to crumble
very soon as the public begins to realize how corrupted it has become,
both advertently and inadvertently.

in my opinion, the press has become as corrupt as the government. a pity,
because as Jefferson hoped, the press would become a control on the
government. the founding fathers seemed to have a lot of faith in the
integrity of humanity that does not seem to have entirely been borne out
by history.

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