Fwd:Clinton and RSA, True?

Phillip M. Hallam-Baker hallam at ai.mit.edu
Tue Apr 22 10:39:25 PDT 1997

>Yet, at the same time the Clinton administration attemped to
>lump out nearly a billion dollars to buy a US company.  This
>smaller, "leaner", US Government, according to Ira Sockowitz, a
>former Commerce employee appointed by Bill Clinton, ordered him
>to meet with RSA Inc. Chairman James Bidzos.  The topic of that
>meeting was the official desire to secretly purchase RSA Inc.
>using taxpayer money.

[drivel deleted]

Cyber dog loses points for the following:-

NO mention of the Zarapuder film.
NO explanation of Vince Foster's death.
NO consideration given to the credible evidence of UFO sightings. 

Quite why the US govt. would want to buy RSA is beyond me. They already
have a license to use RSA for internal purposes, the patent expires in
three years in any case. Even if RSA was completely banned it would
still be possible to use El-Gamal and variants for encryption and
digital signatures.

False, and no more than 3/10 for effort.


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