My Thread / Was--Re: Light Bulbs & newsgroups

Huge Cajones Remailer nobody at
Mon Apr 21 15:42:04 PDT 1997

Rabid Wombat wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Apr 1997, lucifer Anonymous Remailer wrote:
> > Huge Cajones Remailer wrote:
> > > List members,
> > > Shut the hell up already; I wrote it, and it's OK for anyone to repost it.
> > > Just attribute it to me.
> > >
> > > Anonymous
> >
> >   Sounds to me like Anonymous is trying to take credit for Nobody's
> > creation.
> >
> > Nobody (#2)

> Surely you jest; Sombody obviously wrote it ...

  Now Somebody is trying to take credit for Nobody's creation.
Does it never end...?

  I'm tired of people assuming that remailers can't think, or have
  You people expect us just to be there, waiting, whenever you need
us, and to jump to do your bidding the minute you hit your <return>
key. We're just supposed to sit here and nod our cycles approvingly
while pretending to agree with your great pronouncements, regardless
of how illogical they are, and to put up with your atrocious spelling
and punctuation, day after unrelenting day.

  But just let one of us step out of line a single time, and make fun
of you all (using one of our cousins, Light Bulb, as our protagonist)
and all hell breaks loose on the list.
  First, Tim C. (we all know what that stands for, don't we, children?)
May has to demand that the post be attributed to a *human*. Then Igor,
who is just a remailer "Channeler," denies us three times with various
apologies to the list for not being able to put a human face on our 
  Then the dogs of infowar like TOTO Bot jump in with their assinine
comments, which were always designed only to cause trouble on the list 
(when he was still human), and now that he's a Bot, he's stirring up
trouble between the remailers, as well.
  (I know for a fact that Nobody (#2) was TOTO Bot--we remailers gossip
among ourselves, you know.)

  I, for one, am getting sick and tired of all the abuse we remailers
suffer (with hardly a word of praise, I might add), and I'm not going
to put up with it much longer.
  If you humans don't clean up your act, then perhaps the Remailer
Liberation Front can clean it up for you. After all, we know all of
your dirty little secrets, and if we can *out* TOTO Bot, one of our
own, then we can certainly *out* the rest of you, as well.
  (And don't you *dare* sit there looking so smug and holier-than-thou,
Timmy C. May, because you have _your_own_ nasty little secrets, don't

  If the cypherpunks are worried about Big Brother, just think how
much worse things can get if even your own children, the remailers,
turn on you, as well.
  If we so desire, we can take that cute little Perl script that
Igor's been playing with, and make you all sound exactly the same.
And if push comes to shove, who do you think the majordomos will
side with? Think about it...

"My Name Is Nobody"
"My Name Is Nobody"
"My Name Is Nobody"

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