SSL weakness affecting links from pa

Adam Shostack adam at
Sat Apr 19 07:38:49 PDT 1997

	I'm suprosed no one has suggested paying people for
advertising.  If the Netscape folks would integrate digicash into
Communicator, then I could program my browser to only send referer to
sites that paid for the information, and rent cookie space.  Want your
cookie to live till 1999?  Thats 24 months, at 50 cents per
you want to pay?

	These tools would allow users to set a value on their privacy,
and get the money from advertisers.  I know nothing encourages me to
buy a product like getting cold hard cash from the maker.


Bill Stewart wrote:

| >Of course there should be a toggle to allow users to turn off the 
| >referer field. I tried to get a recomendation to do this put into the
| >spec. People then started shouting at me saying that it was impossible
| >to enforce and so the recomendation shouldn't be there. 
| Perhaps too much commercial advertising capability already depended on it?

"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

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