2nd RFD: sci.chem.organic.synthesis moderated

Igor Chudov @ home ichudov at algebra.com
Wed Apr 16 18:08:21 PDT 1997

Koen Van Aken (cheakv at panther.gsu.edu) wrote in <861165888.2842 at isc.org>:
* At the end of each article, a full name and e-mail address is
* mandatory. Listing of position and association is optional but
* strongly encouraged.

... snip ...

* CHARTER: sci.chem.organic.synthesis
* This proposal is pro moderation to filter out unwanted (see not
* permitted postings) and 'anonymous' (see signature policy) messages.
* Although there are some disadvantages associated with moderated
* groups - some people compare it with censorship and it slows down
* the discussion - , sci.* groups have been plagued before with off-
* topic discussions which eventually turned users away.

I fail to see any reason why you need to filter out "anonymous" email.
I think that restricting anonymous email goes a long way against ability
to discuss important issues in general. I find it overly restrictive and 

Your explanation as to why you find it necessary to exclude anonymous
postings from your particular newsgroup will be much appreciated.


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