SSL weakness affecting links from pa

Eric Murray ericm at
Mon Apr 14 11:31:24 PDT 1997

Black Unicorn writes:
> I might add that I would like an option on cookie supression to bypass
> that annoying dialog such to never allow cookies.  It gets a bit much when
> a page askes for 9 cookies in a row and the only way to prevent them is to
> get beeped at repeatedly.  Again, don't confuse the novice, don't slow
> down the expert.

RFC 2109, released a couple months ago, addresses this.  Unless
Doubleclick is successful in getting it changed. :-(

I don't think any browsers yet support the cookie-choice features of 2109
(correct me if I'm wrong).  So in the mean time you can use Cookie Jar
( to filter out cookies and
Referer: tags and ads.

   Eric Murray  ericm at         Privacy through technology!
  Network security and encryption consulting.    PGP keyid:E03F65E5 

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