Alec camcc at abraxis.com
Mon Apr 14 08:35:04 PDT 1997

>From: "James A. Tunnicliffe" <jim.tunnicliffe at inference.com>
>To: "'pgp-users at rivertown.net'" <pgp-users at rivertown.net>
>Cc: "'GWNapier at aol.com'" <GWNapier at aol.com>
>Subject: RE: [PGP-USERS] SFS and PGP
>Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 07:21:52 -0700
>GWNapier at aol.com says:
>> Lately I have heard a lot about SFS.  The bits and pieces I heard
>> about it said it integrated PGP into it.  If anyone knows about where
>> I can get more info about, I would appreciate it.  If SFS has nothing
>> to do with PGP and I have heard wrong, I give you my deepest
>> apologies for bringing it up on this list. 
>Peter Gutmann's SFS (Secure File System) is a highly regarded program
>for encrypting entire disk partitions at the sector level.  It's a
>low-level device driver that encrypts your disk writes and decrypts
>your disk reads transparently on the fly, so your disk is always in
>an encrypted state.  Apart from being a quality encryption product,
>it has nothing to do with PGP, secure email, etc.  It's for a whole
>different (though very valuable) purpose... 
>For more information, see:
>   http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/sfs.html
> James A. Tunnicliffe   | WWWeb: http://www.inference.com/~tunny
> Inference Corporation  | PGP Fingerprint:   CA 23 E2 F3 AC 2D 0C 77
> tunny at Inference.com    |                    36 07 D9 33 3D 32 53 9C
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