"...markets are fundamentally chaotic, not efficient"? Really?

Robert Hettinga rah at shipwright.com
Sat Apr 12 14:57:50 PDT 1997

Mr. Crispin?

Fuck you. With a brick.

Now, exactly what did that nasty little bit of vituperation have have to do
with our admittedly equivocal discussions about the definition of
randomness, and whether any given market was a random process --
definitional prestidigitation aside -- and thus as efficient as it was ever
going to be? Something any finance major, and probably any electrical
engineer, for that matter, is taught in the third week of school?

Not a god-damned thing.

A point, which, if you actually go back and *read* the asinine (woops!) bit
of logical sophistry (so sorry!) you eventually found yourself in, you
might have actually comprehended. If you didn't fancy yourself as God's
Gift to Disputation (damn... another one; I simply *must* stop this).

Which, of course, was my point in showing you all your ad hominems. A point
you didn't actually get, insisting on piling on more instead, so you could
"prove" your point with a veritable bestiary of informal fallacies. (The
nadir of which, by the way, was asking me to clarify something I said in
passing, and then calling it a "straw man" in reply. Remarkable.)

Having watched you for a while, and having determined that you have nothing
new to add to the discussions here, I have no compunction whatsoever about
putting you into my killfile.

With a brick, Mr. Cretin^h^h^h^hispin.


Bob Hettinga

Robert Hettinga (rah at shipwright.com), Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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               with the New York Times?"
Andrew Kantor: "Yes."  Stahl:  "Isn't that dangerous?"
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